Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Lamp week 1

This week I made the body of my lamp which is a wine bottle. All I have left to do its add some more grapes! And I totally forgot to take a picture of it until after I put it away and had no time left in class so here's a lovely picture of ge bag it's in! 

Thursday, October 9, 2014


This week I accomplished almost completely making my bust. I just have a few final touches to add and I'll be all done!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Bust Project!

This week I accomplished making an Asian mans face. I think he's cute. Next week make my face!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Totem Pole

This week we accomplished painting our totem pole and we just need them to get fired & we'll be done!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Project of choice

This week I painted both of my coffee pots! I'm all done except I need to do one more coat of butter toffee on Mrs. Potato Head & then I'll be done (:

Monday, September 8, 2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Totem Pole

This week me and Megan decided that for our totem pole we are going to do cylinders with flowers on them. This is what I accomplished!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Project of Choice!

For my project of choice I'm making his and her mugs for my parents' anniversary! I finished them so I just got to wait for them to be fired. Yaaaaaaay

Friday, August 15, 2014

Project Of Choice

For my project of choice I am doing his and her mugs. I have surprisingly made a lot of progress so far this week but I totally forgot to take a picture. I'm sorry ):   Next week I plan on finishing both mugs! I can't wait to see how they turn out!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

All About Me

I go to Gorman and I am a senior.  I am currently taking Advanced Ceramics.  I signed up for Ceramics because I took Ceramics one and two and I really enjoyed it so I wanted to further my Ceramics education and knowledge(;  My favorite class that I've taken so far is Human Anatomy and Phys.  I don't do extra stuff at Bishop Gorman but I am in National Honor Society.  I work at Buffalo Wild Wings and go to the gym everyday.  My goal for this semester is to make some really cool stuff!  I am a very driven and organized person.  I know what I want and I do everything I can to maintain that goal.  In English last period, my English teacher said that I have an "orange" personality and these are the characteristics that includes...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Final pot painted

This week I finished painting my final! I splatter painted all sides and it was actually pretty fun even though it took a while. I can't wait for it to be fired!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Lantern Final!

Today I got my lantern back. Completely done! I'm happy with the way it turned out. This week I will start and finish glazing my final tea pot (:

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Project of Choice!

I also got my project of choice (dog house) back today!

Tea Pot Final

I finally finished my tea pot (for the fourth time). I'm hoping this one doesn't break like all the others! I also finished painting my lantern this week. Yay

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Remake ):

This week Gavin Thompson made me break my final tea pot so I had to remake it. Sad times ): 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Final! Tea Pot

This week I accomplished starting and finishing the construction of my tea pot! I love the way it looks. It's so abstract and weird and that's what makes it great! I also started painting my lantern and will finish that next week! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pop Art (1950-1960s)

A few key characteristics of Pop Art inlude recognizable imagery, drawn from popular media and products, usually very bright colors, and flat imagery influened by comic books and newspaper photographs.  A few outstanding artists of this era are Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein.

Andy Warhol

  "Campbell's Soup I" 1968

  "Marilyn Diptych" 1962

Roy Litchenstein

  "Drowning Girl" 1963

   "Whaam!" 1963

Abstract Expressionism (1945-1960)

Some key characteristics of Abstract Expressionism include unconventional application of paint, usually without recognizing subject, dripping, smearing, slathering, and flinging lots of paint on to the canvas, and sometimes gestural "writing" in a loosely calligraphic manner.  Two key Abstract Expressionism artists are Wassily Kandinsky and Willem de Kooning.

Wassily Kandinsky

  "Der Blaue Reiter" 1903

  "Lyrishes" 1911

Willem de Kooning

  "Woman V" 1952-1953

  "Woman III" 1953

Surrealism (1920s-1940s)

Three main chracteristics of Surrealism include the explorationof the deram and unconsciiusness as a valid form of reality, a willingness to depict images of perverse sexuality, scatology, decay, and violence, and the desire to push against the boundaries of socially aceptable behaviors and traditions in order to disover pure thought and the artist's true nature.  Three prominent artists of this movement are Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, and Marc Chagall.

Salvador Dali

  "The Resistance of Memory" 1931

   "Swans Reflecting Elephants" 1937

Rene Magritte

   "The Empire of Light" 1950-1965

   "The Art of Living" 1967

Marc Chagall

   "The Poet" 1911

   "I and the Village" 1911

Cubism (1907-1914)

The three most prominent characteristics of Cubism are splintered shapes, flattened, space. and geometric blocks of color, creating an element of having to quest to find a new concept of painting as an arrangement of form and color on a two-dimensional surfacce, and multiple angles and reconstruct objects.  Three of the most popular artists of this movement are Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and Paul Cezanne.

Pablo Picasso

  "Old Woman" 1901

  "Head" 1913-1914

Georges Braque

  "Little Harbor in Normandy" 1909

   "Still Life" 1911

Paul Cezanne

   "Woman in a Green Hat" 1895

   "Still Life with a Curtain" 1895

Fauvism (1900-1920)

Three characteristics of Fauvism include sketchy brushworkand wildly arbitrary colors create a harsh and dissonant effect, explosive colors and impulsive brushworkadvancing the colorist tradition of the Impressionists, and color and art generates its own artistic energy.  The popular Fauvist artists are Franz Mar and Henri Matisse.

Franz Mar

  "The Large Blue Horse" 1911

   "The Monkey" 1912

Henri Matisse

  "Woman Reading" 1894

   "Fruit and Coffeepot" 1898

Post-Impressionism (1880-1900)

Three characteristics of Post-Impressionism are less detail, giving the work more of a groggy feel, bright colors, making color pop, and personal expression, which conveys the artists emotions more than anything.  A very popular Post-Impressionism artist is Vincent Van Gogh.

Vincent Van Gogh

  "The Starry Night" June 1889

  "Vase with Twelve Sunflowers" August 1888

Impressionism (1870s-1890s)

Three characteristics of the Impressionism movement are asymmetrical balance, use of colored shadows, and use of pure color.  Asymmetrical balance is is typically off-center or created with an odd or mismatched number of disparate elements.  The use of colored shadows, with purples, yellows, and other colors, suggest colored shadows and reflected light.  Thie heightened the coloristic effects that captured their attention when painting in the open air.  Lastly, the use of pure color, when inspecterd closely, each hue is applied seperately but would be visually fused together by the human eye giving the sensation of flickering light and vibrating atmosphere.  Three of the most renowned Imperssionist artists are Claude Monet, Mary Cassatt, and Edgar Degas.

Claude Monet

   "The Woman in the Green Dress" 1866

   "The Magpie" 1868-1869

Mary Cassatt

   "Self Portrait" 1878

  "The Boating Party" 1893-1894

Edgar Degas

  "A Cotton Office in New Orleans" 1873

   "The Dance Class" 1873-1876