Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cubism (1907-1914)

The three most prominent characteristics of Cubism are splintered shapes, flattened, space. and geometric blocks of color, creating an element of having to quest to find a new concept of painting as an arrangement of form and color on a two-dimensional surfacce, and multiple angles and reconstruct objects.  Three of the most popular artists of this movement are Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and Paul Cezanne.

Pablo Picasso

  "Old Woman" 1901

  "Head" 1913-1914

Georges Braque

  "Little Harbor in Normandy" 1909

   "Still Life" 1911

Paul Cezanne

   "Woman in a Green Hat" 1895

   "Still Life with a Curtain" 1895

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