Friday, March 28, 2014

Lantern Week One

This week I accomplished painting my throw project (flower pot) and starting my lantern. I got all the pieces cut out and I got a texture on them all as well. I started to cut designs out of them too. Although I don't have a picture to post, I think it's coming along well!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Coil Pot

This week I painted my coil pot and I'm just waiting for it to be fired and then it will be all done! I finished my wheel project and my project of choice and I'm just waiting for those to be fired so I can paint them. I plan on painting those next week and doing the next project, the lantern.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Week One (Project of Choice)

This week I started and finished my project of choice which is a slab box made into a dog house. I'm happy with this project! This week I plan on painting my coil pot.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Wheel project!

This week I made my first wheel project. I decided to turn it into a flower pot!

Thursday, March 6, 2014


This week I got my completely fired, painted, and finished whistle (turtle) and dog back. My dog didn't turn out the way I was hoping but my turtle isnt too bad! I also finished my wheel project and it's now in my locker drying. Next week I'll start working on my project of choice and hopefully paint my coil pot and wheel project.