Friday, February 28, 2014

Wheel Week 1

This week I worked on the wheel. This is the second one I've made because the first one shrunk too much and it's ugly so I made another one! (:

Friday, February 21, 2014

Coil Project Week One

This is my coil project after a week. I decided to make it into a candle holder and that's why I made a lot of spaces for light to shine through. I don't have any other projects to work on as of now becaus I finished painting my whistle (turtle) and my animal (my dog, Charlie).

Friday, February 7, 2014

Patz Animal (Charlie) Week One

After we finished the Patz elephant, we had to make an animal of our choice. Of course, I picked Charlie! This week I accomplished making everything! I finished his body completely, everything down to the underbite, tail, and wrinkles! He's so cute! 

Patz Elephant

This week we worked on a new way to attach things. We all made an elephant and although mine broke in my locker, this is what is looked like before it broke!