Thursday, January 30, 2014

Whistle Week Two

This week I accomplished exactly what I hoped to, the shell, attaching the head, feet, tail, and eyes. I think my turtle looks really good! I'm ready for it to dry and then to fire. ☺️🐢

Friday, January 24, 2014

Whistle Week One

This week I accomplished putting the two pinch pots together to make the body of my turtle. I also made the blowey part which will be the head. I attached the two pieces by slipping as scoring and made the blow hole and the little square that helps make the sound. It sounds really good! I made the coil that will become the shell but didn't get the chance to attach it yet. Next week I plan on attaching the shell and making the head, tail, and legs. (:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

All About Me

I go to school at Bishop Gorman High School and I'm a junior. I am currently taking Ceramics 2. I signed up for Ceramics 2 because I took Ceramics 1 last year and I really enjoyed it. My favorite class is anything science related. So far in high school, my number one favorite class was Human Phys and Anatomy. The extra-curricular activity/ sport I participate in at Gorman is track and field.  This year is my first year doing track. Non-school related activities I participate in is my job at Buffalo Wild WingsA goal I have for this semester is to make harder things to add to my collection.